Celebrities support Plates for Parkinson’s –
Including Tom Hanks, Bette Midler, Martha Stewart, Dr. Phil, Celine Dion, cast of CSI, Bill Cosby, Ali and Sidney Crosby
Photo: Mazur (Picture From Ahmet Tribute)
HALIFAX, NS, CANADA/April 20, 2007/FPSnewswire/ – PLATES FOR PARKINSON’S — More than 30 celebrities have designed and autographed plates to be auctioned on EBAY from April 20 to May 5 as a fundraiser for the Parkinson Society Maritime Region in Canada. Proceeds from the auction will benefit research, education and support services. The tulip is the Society’s symbol of hope and April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. More than 1.2 million people in Canada and the US live with Parkinson’s for which there is no known cause or cure. Cynthia Carroll and Paul McNair of the Parkinson Society display the celebrity plates in Halifax, Nova Scotia, recently. Back row (left to right) Celine Dion and Sidney Crosby, front row Martha Stewart, Dr. Phil and the cast of CSI Las Vegas. Additional celebrities include Tom Hanks, Bette Midler, Tim Allen, Bill Cosby, Jessica Biel, Harrison Ford, Charlie Sheen and Jay Leno. For more information, see news release at www.ccnmatthews.com.
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Special instructions for photo editors: For more information, see news release for Parkinson Society Maritime Region at www.ccnmatthews.com
Photo Available: Associated Press and NewsCom
Source: Parkinson Society Maritime Region
Web Site: http://www.parkinsonmaritimes.ca/
Web Site: http://www.ccnmatthews.com
Image Available: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/pub/s?f=FPS%2ffpspub