Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Sung to tune of “People”: Birdies, how I love the birdies Even geese when they’re pooping And befouling my lawn …
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Continue singing: I love each sparrow As frail as Mia Farrow I love each card’nal and crow And all the vultures I know….
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Big finish: Every bird and its nest Has someplace to rest because of People People like you people The most generous people in the world!!
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
Thank you, @audubonsociety for all the work you do for our fine feathered friends….
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
To @mariahcarey and @nickiminaj: Girls, girls, you’re BOTH pretty!
Bette Midler ”@BetteMidler
So! @ParentalGMovie still playing! How about that? Of course, I never doubted this little filly had LEGS!