Obama Health Care Passes ~ Celebrities React

Obamacare Supreme Court Ruling: Stars Tweet Reactions
JUNE 28, 2012 AT 8:00PM

When the U.S. Supreme Court upheld Obamacare on Thursday, celebs raced to their Twitter accounts to share their reactions.

In the landmark ruling, the court backed President Barack Obama’s controversial Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) — also known as Obamacare.

“Today’s decision was a victory for people all over this country whose lives are more secure because of this law,” Obama said in a televised White House statement.

“I know the debate over this law has been divisive,” he added. “It should be pretty clear that I didn’t do this because it was good politics. I did it because I believe it is good for the country.”

Obama encouraged on his Twitter account for Americans to share what Thursday’s ruling means to them and some stars did just that.

Read their reactions below.

John Legend: “Supreme Court has me in a good mood right now. America getting closer to universal access to affordable health care. It’s about time.”

Christina Applegate: “Um, for those who want to move to Canada because of ObamaCare, you may want to look up Canada healthcare on Wikipedia. Just saying’.”

Jessica Stroup: “Hey Barack Obama this song’s for you now playing My Hero by Foo Fighters.”

Star Jones: “I’m waiting for read the actual SCOTUS healthcare ruling”¦and try to make it ‘user friendly’ for most of us.”

MC Hammer: “Strategy: Positioning this as a threat to lower income majority won’t gain any new voters, that card has already been played.”

Waka Flocka: “ObamaCare!”¦ just when they started to doubt my man.”

Michael Moore: “It’s not ‘Obamacare’ – it’s Obama Cares.”

Wanda Sykes: “Drama at CNN. I would love to be a fly on Wolf Blizter’s beard.”

Sophia Bush: “I am so grateful for the Supreme Court, and I heart Barack Obama so much right now. He cares about us, the average citizens of this country, more than he cares about pleasing all the scared-to-change people in power. That’s heroic, admirable, and exactly what we need. F–k yes Mr. President, you are a unicorn.” – on a photo of Obama on a unicorn Bush posted.

Holly Robinson Peete: “I run a non profit and talk to real people every day all day. Families cannot afford healthcare.”

Seth MacFarlane: “We gotta stop that tycoon from turning our park into a shopping mall.”

Jason Alexander: “I applaud the Supreme Court and congratulate the President today. The bill isn’t perfect, we can fix it, but it’s the right direction.”

Piers Morgan: “Must be a lot of people watching Obama’s SCOTUS speech just now, thinking: ‘That’s why we voted for him.'”

Bette Midler: “Obama Health Care passes! The wing nuts must be boiling!”

Deepak Chopra: “I will be honored to be taxed for compassionate health care.”

Lewis Black: “The Supreme Court has rendered its decision on healthcare. Let the screaming and whining begin.”

Read more: http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/obamacare-supreme-court-ruling-stars-tweet-reactions-2012286#ixzz1zCg8UCgu

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