Mister D: This little quiz or what WhatsOn.com, Las Vegas’ #1 Visitor’s Guide says “7 Things You Didn’t Know About Bette Midler” appeared in their news section today. Are there any surprises on this list…something you didn’t know. Or did you find it lame or tame, to be more polite? To be fair, those that don’t follow her career like we do, probably would find most of this surprising. But I want to hear your honest answers…was there something on here that took you by surprise????? Gosh, it takes me forever to get to the point! But fuck it, I don’t care! (maybe I should put a parental guidance sticker on this siite for parents…whaddaya think about that..another question.) While you’re pondering this…I’m clearing out the playlist and puttin’ on some music for ya….check the jukebox and ipod sections later today:
- 1. Midler is named after actress Bette Davis, though she pronounces her name differently.
- 2. As a teenager, Midler worked in a Dole pineapple processing plant.
- 3. The performer is also quite intelligent–Midler graduated as valedictorian of her high school.
- 4. Midler was the final guest on “The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson.”
- 5. She’s no stranger to Sin City. The actress got married in a Las Vegas wedding chapel in 1984.
- 6. The environmentalist founded the New York Restoration Project in 1995, a non-profit organization that restores old parks and assists in the battle against global warming.
- 7. Also a huge supporter of arts and education, Midler is on the dean’s council at the Yale School of Architecture.
Well, Mr. D, I’ll be honest and say that I did not know that Miss Midler was on the dean’s council at the Yale School of Architecture. However, the rest, I’m pleased to say that I did know. 🙂 At least I can say I learned something today. Thanks for the info and all you do!!!
Thanks Teran for the compliment and your honesty. I just found out about that one a few days ago myself.
I do want to hear from people who didn’t know something. I’m not slamming anybody for it.
So you are my first shining example of honesty!!!
Love, Mister D
I didnt know number 7 I think.. but why is she though?
Aaaand I don’t think you should put a parental advisory sticker ’cause it would totally clash with the colours of the site duh!
i knew most all of that except for the dean’s council thing, but didn’t she say on the actor’s studio that Penny Cudsma (spelling?) was the valedictorian of her HS? cuz i remember her saying that and then she was like “And imagine my surprise!” idk, i could be completely wrong, cuz like bette once said, “i know absolutley nothing about anything.” lol just wondering. ~molly
“Midler graduated as valedictorian of her high school.”
Wait….I thought she missed it. She got that “F” in Russian. Like what she said on Inside the Actors Studio a few years back.
First of all, welcome back Wendy! I thought I had scared you away. Hope finals went well, or mid terms I guess. Hell I don’t know how schools work anymore.
Christina: LOL That’s good enough reason not to put the Parental advisory up. Good thinking girl…however, I’m color blind, so I think there may be a lot of color clashing already! 🙂 I believe she got involved in that due to Sophie going to school there….she’s so into preservation of things anyway. She also was one of the big donors to have the statue of David cleaned properly…
Hey Molly: You and Wendy retained more than I did from that interview. I thought for sure in most of the bios that she was class valedictorian. Maybe we should break out our hymnals and research it.
In one interview, she said she never recorded or sang a Bob Dylan song…something to that effect…so you want to say Bette!! How could you forget “I Shall Be Released” or “Buckets of Rain” So her mind is almost in bad a shape as mine. You just forget things. But maybe someone could research this besides me and find out….
Love, Mister D
I’m happy to say I knew all of them!
Macaire you go girl! Sorry there’s no prize, though…I’m cheap!
Love, Mister D
It’s good to be back Don.
mid terms are in a few weeks, and as it stnads right now….i am behind.
but, no worries, i can get right back on top in a heart beat.
But yeah. Bette lost valedictorian because her friend Beth Ellen Childers had died and she kind of let her school work go after that.
Okay….Glad to see you back, but work hard on those studies. Thanks for the information…;-)
Also, on Roseanne’s show (I believe) with the magic carpet ride through her past, Bette said that she didn’t actually work for Dole. She worked for the low rent pineapple cannery down the street.
Well maybe we should call this article, 7 Things He Kind Of Didm’t Know…:-) I’d have to go back to the early bios to see.
Love, Mister D
PS: And welcome, Ang!
I too remember her saying on The Actors Studio that she was not valedictorian (but she was Senior Class President). Also, regarding Wendy’s comment about BM not getting valedictorian because she was distraught over her friend’s death – I believe that her friend died right after high school graduation and not before…
I didn’t know the last one. But all the others I learned long ago.
Welcome Jeff and Laura: I think everybody’s gonna have to chill on this one. I hate to bring this up, but in showbiz bios…well, things can be made up in the beginning…little white lies to make you interesting. I don’t know. Just something to think about. I know this for I’ve seen it or heard about it contantly.
Also, in interviews, Bette seems to be forgetting details….the Bob Dylan killed me. How could she not remember one of her best live performances that she sang for years,
Something to ponder. Maybe someone shoulf investigate like those ladies in the Murder Club! 😉
Don’t insult me…
Dang Philly’s Ms. M that’s all I ever do to you! I thought you liked the abuse….LOL I love you!
Love, Mister D
Lol, as if most of her fans wouldn’t know those things. 😛
And about the valedictorian thing, I remember her talking about it on Inside the Actors Studio also. She said “Yeah, I knew I wasn’t gonna get it ’cause of that F in Russian. . .” and James Lipton said, “Effin or F in?”. She started laughing and said “Both!”
A number of years ago, I heard Bette say in a TV interview that it was not the Dole pineapple factory, but a lesser known pineapple factory in the Honolulu area. I do not recall that she gave the name of the pineapple factory.
Also, I agree with the other comments that she was not valedictorian, but she was Senior Class President.
Hope you are doing well Don. . . .
no on the dean’s thing… YES on all the rest! duh! 🙂
I knew all, but I was sceptic about the last (the only reference I can find is on Wikipedia). Wikipedia does say that Sophie goes to Yale (albeit Sociology or something like that) so that’s the connection I guess. Mommy wants to keep an eye on her 😉
I knew she was into education and Arts funding but I didn’t know she was on the Dean;s Council for it. This is the first I have heard of her NOT being valedictorian. What interview/s did I miss??? aaagh I’m losing my powers!
PS Hi Don. remember me? I’m still alive and kickin just been hiding in the background the past few years…
Baby Divine: I’m all mixed up too, so you’re not alone. And, of course I remember you. I don’t think many people think I remember them, but I’m pretty good about that. You should pop in more often….
Love, Mister D
I never got to see the full episode of Inside the Actors Studio. I think I missed a lot. I read something once about Beth Childers and Bette surfing and going to beer bashes and having too much fun to care about school. I don’t know if this is accurate, just something I read and can’t find again. Is there a transcript of this around or does anyone know how I could get to see this episode? I would be soooooooo grateful.
I don’t remember, personally, her talking about that, but then my memory isn’t that great. I know they were selling the episode online at the actor’s studio store. You might also try places like Ebay, too….