23 Reasons Why “Hocus Pocus” Is The Best Halloween Movie Of All Time
Hocus Pocus IS Halloween.
Oct. 11, 2012
By Dave Stopera
BuzzFeed Staff
Silence the haters:
1. Because Sarah Jessica Parker has never had a better role than Sarah Sanderson:
4. And that the ugly chicks always stay out late:
5. How to be calm:
6. How to be beautiful:
9. Because the movie had zombies before zombies were cool:
And it also had talking cats before talking cats were mainstream:
And made everyone want a cat.
17. Because Mary Sanderson was also the voice of Peggy Hill:
Not really related, but still MIND-BLOWING:
18. Because they said the movie’s title in the MOVIE:
19. Because of Winifred’s TEETH:
20. And the amazing make-up in the movie:
Though, now it might be Dani:
That’s what she looks like now.