Elite Daily
Twitter Wants The ‘Hidden Figures’ Stars To Reboot ‘Hocus Pocus‘ And We’re Here For It
By Dylan Kickham
Jul 19, 2017
It’s no secret that we’re in the thick of a reboot craze in TV and film right now. For better or worse, every beloved property from the ’80s and ’90s seems to be coming back in some form or another, so it’s about time that we look into the best movie Disney put out in the ’90s: Hocus Pocus.
Now, anyone who knows the absolute brilliance of Hocus Pocus would understandably be nervous about a reboot — how could it ever possibly live up to the original? But one fan’s dream cast will put away any worries you may have for a new version, and it’s sending Twitter into a frenzy demanding the movie get made.
So who could fill the iconic Sanderson Sister roles originally played by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy? In a stroke of pure genius, Twitter user @ASamantha proposed Hidden Figures stars Taraji P. Henson, Janelle Monae, and Octavia Spencer for the parts.
And the casting didn’t stop there. @ASamantha continued her genius by proposing Chance the Rapper play protagonist Max, Zendaya as Max’s crush Allison, and Quvenzhané Wallis as Max’s little sister Dani.
This recasting resonated with tens of thousands online, and not only because it flips the fact that the 1993 original had no black leads on its head. Also, Henson, Monae, and Spencer just seem to perfectly fit into the witchy roles made famous by Midler, Parker, and Najimy, respectively.
Bette Midler’s Winifred Sanderson had a demanding but still goofy presence as the no-nonsense leader, a role Taraji P. Henson easily channels, most notably as Cookie Lyon in Empire. Sarah Jessica Parker’s Sarah Sanderson is characterized by her enchanting singing voice, just like Janelle Monae. And Kathy Najimy’s Mary Sanderson is the kooky, comedic relief sister, and Octavia Spencer has proven her comedic prowess numerous times thanks to spots in 30 Rock, Dinner For Schmucks, and Mom.
And of course, Chance, Zendaya, and Wallis for the main trio are also just perfect. @ASamantha went on to complete the story by suggesting Kendrick Lamar voice the boy-turned-cat Thackery Binx and changing the setting from Salem to New Orleans to make the new Sanderson Voodoo Queens.
Honestly, Disney… get on this!!