Thank You Zap2It ~ Re: Glee…Somebody Gets It Right!

Mister D: As I stated earlier Bette has not said “yes” or “no” and there has been no firm deal put on the table….

Bette Midler agrees to be on ‘Glee,’ but don’t hold your breath
By Jean Bentley
October 17, 2012

Pardon us for not being more excited about this, Gleeks, but we can’t get too pumped that Bette Midler has publicly agreed to be on “Glee” after Ryan Murphy asked her to appear during a speech at a charity event.

Murphy live-blogged the encounter on his Twitter, writing, “I just asked the incredible Bette Midler to be on Glee in front of 1,000 people. I hope she says yes!”

Later, he updated his 275,000-plus followers that Midler had agreed. “Bette said yes! Amazing. I am plotting…who should she play?”

Feeling a little deja vu? Us too. There have been a few high-profile supposed “Glee” guest appearances that never happened. Remember when Anne Hathaway was going to show up? What about when Gloria Estefan was cast as Santana’s mom and she didn’t even sing? Or when Charice was supposed to have a major arc, but sang like two songs and went away?

Yeah, exactly. We’ll welcome Midler to Lima with open arms, we’re just not holding our breath.

“Glee” returns in November with all new episodes on Thursday nights at 9 p.m. on FOX.

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5 thoughts on “Thank You Zap2It ~ Re: Glee…Somebody Gets It Right!

  1. Amazing! I said all that to a certain person and was blacklisted for doing so. Isn’t it amazing what some people take as false just because they don’t and or can’t admit someone is not willing to listen to Hollywood gossip, especially if its from the Internet!
    Stay in school kids…it helps.

    1. You got blacklisted for that????? I just got un-blacklisted…I saw what you said and I said practically the same thing to her in a private message. Well, I’ll never blacklist you!!!! xxoo

  2. Blacklisted was a harsh word, but a few things that were said after our convo were clearly aimed at me, as I was the only one who spoke up. Now listen people, I always have and always will speak my mind. Im not being mean, I’m not being a bully and I’m not doing it to make you look dumb. I’m not smug, I’m a nice bitch once ya get off your high horse long enough to get to know me. But, ill be damned if ill let a rumor about Bette in particular go so far as to people think its true. Things, bad things, have happened due to rumors in an actors career, she doesn’t need that.
    All I ask is this, get your facts straight before you say something. Because its embarrassing when it comes out as wrong and yet you said it wasn’t.

  3. I don’t know that I would classify this as a rumor, exactly, seeing as how it did happen in a room full of people and both parties tweeted about it. Still, it doesn’t amount to anything more than one person saying, “Hey, would you be interested in doing this sometime?” and the other person saying, “Yeah, that sounds like fun!” They both acknowledged that they had the conversation and that they like the sound of it, but that’s a far cry from “this is definitely happening.” I’ve had plenty of friends ask me if I wanted to do something some time that then never ended up happening.

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